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About Me

Julia Beckwith is a rising senior at Scripps College in Claremont, CA studying Computer Science and Environmental Analysis. She is interested in the convergence of technology and environmental justice. Previously, she has conducted research at Portland State University as a member of the Sustaining Urban Places Research Lab.

About My Mentor

Dr. Anat Caspi is the director of the Taskar Center for Accessible Technology at the University of Washington. She is an assistant professor and a principal scientist at UW’s Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering. Her research centers on creating “machine intelligent solutions for customizable real-time, responsive technologies in the context of work, play and urban street environments.” You can learn more about Dr. Caspi and her work here.

About My Project

AccessMap is a tool that provides custom sidewalk and footpath routing directions based on a personal ability profile.

This summer, I will be working to expand the capabilities of AccessMap. Currently, the application focuses primarily on routing for people with mobility impairments. I will define a new cost function that accounts for unique obstacles faced by people with visual impairments.

You can read my final report here!

Weekly Updates

Weekly updates (progress, results, frustrations, findings, etc.) can be found here.